Generating Test Email Addresses

Reading many online resources makes you believe that test automation is only about automating pushing the keys - fill in this form, click the send button, and check something. However, test automation should be thought of in a broader sense when tools are used to make the Tester more powerful. One such example where test automation is useful is for generating test data. One particular example I’ll show in this blog post is generating email addresses.

Shared Folder on Linux

When I say “shared folder”, I imagine a folder where I can share data with other system users, but where there are also some restrictions in place. Let’s see how this could be achieved on Linux systems.

Public IP with curl and bash

Getting a private IP address is just a command away in Linux. But often that private IP address is valid only on a particular network you are connected to; hence your public IP address is different. I want to focus on the latter today.

Linux Terminal Shortcuts

Using a Linux terminal could be much easier with shortcuts. I’ll write down some of them in this article, mostly as a reminder to my future self. I think, however, that it might be useful to other people as well, so why not publish it ony my blog?

Checking Status Codes with curl

It might be sometimes useful to check a status code of an endpoint. Sure, there’re many clients like Postman, but you have to install them, open them, navigate the GUI. All that usually takes quite some time, especially when you’re in a hurry. On the other hand, a command line is (should be :)) available all the time, so why not use this environment to check the status code?

Encrypting Files with age

I’ve recently found age utility for file encryption. I find it really handy, so let’s have a look at one use case where it might be used.

Product Changes with git blame

Testers do have a lot of questions about the product they test, but sometimes they need to discuss things with the author. What I usually see Testers do in such a situation is they either go into a ticketing system like Jira to try to find who did some changes to the area of their interest, or they ask a random person on the team. But how about using git blame to find exactly who to ask?