IOS Basic Commands and Tips

When iOS is mentioned, people usually imagine Apple operating system, I also imagine Cisco operating system for network devices. Although I should probably respect case, then the Cisco system is really called IOS, not iOS. However, let’s have a look at some useful commands and tips for working with IOS.

The Danger of Mixed Encoding

Let’s have a look at a topic of encoding, which in my opinion is quite often overlooked. As a Tester, I have encountered a few cases and bugs related to encoding, so it’s beneficial to be at least a bit aware of it and have it somewhere at the back of your head.

Block Malware and Ads with DNS Server

If there is something I really hate online, it’s ads. I can’t stand it when I visit a site and some nonsense ads start popping up. It’s annoying, it slows down loading web pages, and it could compromise security. Of course, I do use AdBlock in Firefox, I have stricter browser setting but it would be nice to find another solution that perhaps could be used when I use a different browser where I haven’t installed any add-on for blocking ads. It seems there’s a good solution to block all this nonsense with a DNS server, the only problem is to find a good list of domains to block. But it turns out such lists do exist and are often updated, one of them is Steven Black’s hosts list on GitHub.

Mock Server in JS

What I did in the previous article has two obvious disadvantages. Postman allows only 1000 requests for mock servers a month, plus your mock server data and everything is stored in a cloud. To overcome that, it’s better to set up a mock server locally with a different tool. I’ll use MockServer with JS to do the same I did with Postman in the previous article.

Mock Server for Testing Vue App

I’ve recently used mock servers in Postman for testing some parts of a Vue application. Perhaps it’s worth writing a short article where I can share how this works. Mocking, in my view, is one of the techniques that could be useful in testing in certain situations and when testing for certain risks. It’s not a magic pill, but it could be used effectively and save me a lot of time and effort.

Substitution in Text Files with vim and sed

In my work as a Software Tester, I often need to work with plain text - be it some text files, source files, or web service responses. Sometimes it’s necessary to perform some operation on a piece of text that really is tedious when performed manually. That’s when automation comes in, or more specifically some of the tools for text processing.

Run Cron Job Every 5 Seconds

Cron is a great tool for running repetitive tasks. However, the problem might be its granularity, the lowest being 1 minute. If you, say, need to run a task every 5 seconds, there’s no easy solution in cron. How to solve it then?