Cypress: Clicking on Links That Open in New Tab

Cypress does not have multi-tab support, which comes as a surprise to many, usually after they have dived headlong into automating some UI checks. However, not having multi-tab support is not really that much of a problem because many times the multi-tab support is not really needed and it is a suboptimal solution anyway. Let’s have a look at the most common use case, clicking on links that open in a new tab.

API checking in Cypress

Cypress is mostly used for e2e frontend tests, but that does not mean it’s the only use case available. It could also be used for API checking, which is something I’ll write about today.

Cypress Help in Config File

Cypress is a good tool not only because of what it offers in terms of checking the application under test, but also in terms of its integrations with other tools such as various IDEs. Let’s have a look at one such integration with Visual Studio Code, or with Code, which is an open source build available in Community repository in Arch-based systems that I use on my Linux machines.

Remapping Keycodes and Keysyms with xmodmap

There’re some annoying keys on my keyboard that I never use, moreover if I even touch them, it’s always by mistake. It’d be nice to remap them to either something more useful or remap them to nothing.

JavaScript Default Package Setting with npm config

Npm package manager has much more to it than just npm init or npm install. There’s also a bunch of config options that could save some time later or save a lot of trouble with managing package versions.

Crashing Browsers When Downloading Big Files

I’ve experienced this funny problem that eventually turned out to be a misconfiguration issue done by none else but myself :) I want to share this bit in case I or someone else runs into it in the future.

Using Mitmproxy in Testing

Mitmproxy is an open source HTTPS proxy. Something like this could be extremely useful when doing technical testing of web applications. Let’s have a look at how to make everything work so you can leverage the power of proxies in your testing as well.