Is it a git repository?

I like to use simple shortcuts that save just a couple of characters that I’d otherwise need to type out. One such abbreviation I created for myself is the following one for finding out whether or not I’m currently in a git repository.

304 Not Modified - Retrieving Resources From Local Cache

Knowing how HTTP protocol works is essential for anyone who is involved in developing web applications. Let’s see just a small example how fetching resources works, Ï’ll show that on an example of this website, plus I’ll shortly show what could be done in Firefox DevTools, which is another important thing that can bring tons of useful information to any tester.

Fancy git log

Git log command offers a variety of things to set up, it can be overwhelming to read the whole man page and to use it effectively when you just want to print out some commit history. I’ve recently read up on git log a bit more, so I can share how my git log outcome looks like at the moment.

Copying Objects in Javascript

Many modern testing frameworks and tools use Javascript, so it’s worth knowing some key concepts and pitfalls. I’ll share just one particular thing regarding objects and how they could be copied.

.should() and .then() commands in Cypress

Both .should() and .then() commands in Cypress could be used in similar ways, both can be passed a callback function that executes in the previously yielded subject in the whole chain. But there’re differences that need to be taken into account when using these two commands. I’ll share a thing or two about the differences and show some examples.

Variables In Testing

Variables are a well-known concept in basically any programming and/or scripting language. You assign a name to a space in memory, so you can write and/or read from that space later on in the code. Knowing all this is perhaps useful in some situation, but a Tester does not usually operate on such a deep level, yet even Testers can speak about variables, which is usually a little different concept in their understanding. Let’s have a look.

WebSocket Protocol - Opening Handshake, HTTP Upgrade, Negotiations

I’ve recently became interested in WebScoket protocol, so after reading a bit, I’ve decided to sumamrize my learnings in an article or two. I’ll start by writing about the initial handshake needed for establishing a websocket connection. For more information, refer to the initial RFC 6455. I won’t mention many details about WebSocket extensions or websocket frames, that’d be a topic for another article.